Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Friday 19 March 1999

Forever is a long time

09.11 Forever is a long time, but eternity is in the moment.

Well, of course the panel on taping was taped. And videoed & photographed.

The panel members were lead / moderated / directed by Eric Flannigan of Wall of Sound. Eric was well researched and presented a broadly based, considered & open view. He had even read this Diary & the letters to the Crims. Other panellists: Bill Bentley of Reprise records, Don Valdez (?) of RIAA, Alejandro Escovedo (a flamenco guitarist, & one of Pat Mastelotto's favourite players) & David Newgarden of Manage This!.

My own approach is based on three questions:

1. What is being recorded?
2. Is the recording consensual?
3. What are the effects of recording, consensual or otherwise?

Obviously, it's not possible to record an event on tape, whether audio or visual. We record an event personally & experientially, which means we internally record an event to the degree that we participate in the event. Then, the quality of the event may be accessed through us, by accessing our experience.

Any process is affected by an intentional act which takes place within the process. If that act is non-consensual, then the intention offers violence & violation to the process. A "strong" & healthy process may absorb violation to a degree, but beyond a point is compromised & undermined. Then, the process goes off course.
If the intentional act is consensual, then the question to be asked is: "Does this intentional act serve the aim which the process is addressing?". If consensual recording of a musical performance serves to build a listening community, and this is the aim of the performance, the aim is being served. Otherwise...

Trey & Pat arrived as we were getting under way & we hurtled off to lunch immediately afterwards. They dropped me back here to feebly devibrate while practising, before the jet-lag haze fell upon a dribbling psyche.

The Little Horse called at 08.30, a wonderful lift for my early morning, as I was developing new material for the next step in Crim's tortuous evolution. Today is the first rehearsal of ProjeKct Three, beginning at 11.00. I hope to suffer a bibliophilacal tumescense on the way.

21.14 Tumescence there was. And a good warming-up day for ProjeKct Three. John Sinks has safely arrived and our equipment seems to be working. Now for my feet to remember all the programmes...

